ד"ר אורי הכהן

סגל אקדמי בכיר במנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים סגל אקדמי בכיר
ניווט מהיר:
ד"ר אורי הכהן
טלפון פנימי: 03-6405857
משרד: מינקהוף משפ, 014


Uri Y. Hacohen is a Lecturer at Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law and a Faculty Fellow at the Chief Justice Meir Shamgar Center for Digital Law and Innovation.  Hacohen research and teaching span intellectual property across the digital technology, health, and entertainment fields, as well as tort and unjust enrichment law, property law, privacy law, and law and economics.  Hacohen received his LL.B. (Magna Cum Laude) from Tel-Aviv University in 2012, his LL.M. (Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar) from Columbia University in 2014, and his J.S.D from Berkeley Law at 2019.  He is also a graduate of a postdoctoral research fellowship at the Center of Law, Economics, and Politics (LEAP) at Berkeley Law School, and a research fellowship at the Center for Technology, Society & Policy (CTSP) at the UC Berkeley School of Information. His recent publications include Copyright Regenerated: Harnessing GenAI to Measure Originality and Copyright Scope 37(2) Harv. J. L. & Tech. [_] (2024) (with Niva Elkin Koren); The Policy Implications of User-Generated Data Network Effects, 33 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media, & Ent. L. J. 340 (2023); Autumn Is Coming A Novel Liability Theory That May Kill Pharmaceutical Evergreening, 40(2) Cardozo Arts & Ent. LJ 50 (2022); and A Penny For Their Creations – Apprising Users’ Value of Copyrights in Their Social Media Content , 36 Berkeley Tech. L. J. 511 (2022) (with Amit Elazari, & Talia Schwartz-Maor).





2012        LL.B. (Magna Cum Laude), Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Law of Law, Tel Aviv, Israel.

2014        LL.M. (Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar), Columbia Law School, New York City, NY.

2019        J.S.D., UC Berkeley, School of Law, Berkeley, CA.


Academic and Professional Experience


2017        Instructor, Legal Studies, Boalt Hall School of Law, UC Berkeley.

2019        Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The Center of Law, Economics, and Politics (LEAP), UC Berkeley.

2021        Lecturer, Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University.


Full CV

Research interests and teaching

Intellectual Property Law, Information Law, Data Governance and Artificial Intelligence Policy and Regulation, Property Law, Tort Law, Privacy Law, and Law and Economics.

Representative Publications


Uri Y. HacohenEvergreening At Risk, 33 Harv. J. L. & Tech. 480 (2020).


Robert D. Cooter & Uri Y. Hacohen, Progress in the Useful Arts: Foundations of Patent Law in Growth Economics, 22 Yale J.L & Tech. 191 (2020).


Uri Y. Hacohen, Amit Elazari, & Talia Schwartz-Maor, A Penny For Their Creations – Apprising Users’ Value of Copyrights in Their Social Media Content, 36 Berkeley Tech. L. J. 511 (2022).


 Uri Y. Hacohen, Autumn Is Coming A Novel Liability Theory That May Kill Pharmaceutical Evergreening, 40(2) Cardozo Arts & Ent. LJ 50 (2022)


Uri Y. Hacohen, User-Generated Data Network Effects and Market Competition Dynamics, 34 Fordham Intellectual Property, Media, & Entertainment Law Journal 1 (2023).


Uri Y. Hacohen, The Policy Implications of User-Generated Data Network Effects, 33 Fordham Intellectual Property, Media, & Entertainment Law Journal 340 (2023).


Uri Y. Hacohen, Copyright Regenerated: Harnessing GenAI to Measure Originality and Copyright Scope (with Niva Elkin Koren; Forthcoming at the Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, 2024).


Uri Y. Hacohen, User-Based Algorithmic Auditing (Forthcoming in Theoretical Inquires in Law, 2024).


אורי יוסף הכהן, הגנה על תחרות פרמצבטית באמצעות דיני עשיית עושר ולא במשפט, משפטים נג' (2023).



Full CV

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