Ehud Kamar is a Professor of Law and a Research Associate at the European Corporate Governance Institute. Before joining Tel Aviv University, he was a Professor of Law and Director of the University of Southern California’s Business Law Program. He has also been a visiting professor at Harvard University, New York University, the University of Chicago, and the Hebrew University. He teaches corporations, securities regulation, mergers and acquisitions, quantitative empirical methods and deal planning, and has published articles in leading scholarly journals such as the Columbia Law Review, the Harvard Law Review, the Stanford Law Review, the University of Chicago Law Review, the Journal of Financial Economics, and the Journal of Law, Economics and Organization. He holds an LLB and an LLM summa cum laude from the Hebrew University and an LLM and a JSD from Columbia University, and has practiced law in Israel and the United States. In 2019, he received the Fattal Prize for Excellence in Legal Research.
פרופ' אהוד קמר
ועדת מינויים יחידתית במנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים
Research Interests and Teaching
Corporate Law, Corporate Finance, Securities Regulation, Mergers and Acquisitions, Law and Economics, Empirical Analysis of Law
Education | |
Columbia University, LL.M. 1998, J.S.D. 1999 | |
J. William Fulbright Scholar, 1996–1998
Lawrence A. Wien Fellow, 1996–1997
John M. Olin Fellow, 1997–1999
Hebrew University, LL.B. 1991, LL.M. summa cum laude 1995 |
Academic Appointments
2013-present |
Professor of Law, Tel Aviv University
2019 |
David R. Greenbaum and Laureine Knight Greenbaum Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law, University of Chicago
2007-2019 |
Director of the Batya and Isachar Fischer Center for Corporate Governance and Capital Market Regulation, Tel Aviv University
2007-2013 |
Affiliate Professor of Law, Tel Aviv University
2011-2013 |
Director of the Business Law Program, University of Southern California
2006-2013 |
Professor of Law, University of Southern California
2003-2006 |
Associate Professor of Law, University of Southern California
2000-2003 |
Assistant Professor of Law, University of Southern California
2006-2007 |
Joseph H. Flom Visiting Professor of Law and Business, Harvard University
2005 |
Visiting Professor of Law, New York University
2002 |
Visiting Professor of Law, Hebrew University
2002 | Visiting Professor of Law, Tel Aviv University |
Representative Publications
The Rise of Bankruptcy Directors (with Jared A. Ellias and Kobi Kastiel), 95 Southern California Law Review 1083 (2022). Selected by Corporate Practice Commentator as one of the ten best articles in corporate and securities law in 2022
The Teva Case: A Tale of a Race to the Bottom in Global Securities Regulation 372 (with Sharon Hannes), in Research Handbook on Representative Shareholder Litigation (Jessica Erickson, Sean Griffith, David H. Webber and Verity Winship eds, Edward Elgar, 2018)
Hidden Government Influence over Privatized Banks (with Assaf Hamdani), 13 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 567 (2012)
Bundling and Entrenchment (with Lucian Bebchuk), 123 Harvard Law Review 1549 (2010). Selected by Corporate Practice Commentator as one of the ten best articles in corporate and securities law in 2010
The Story of Paramount Communications v. QVC Network: Everything Is Personal, in Corporate Stories 293 (J. Mark Ramseyer, ed., 2009)
Going-Private Decisions and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002: A Cross-Country Analysis (with Pinar Karaca-Mandic and Eric Talley), 25 Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 107 (2009). Selected by Corporate Practice Commentator as one of the ten best articles in corporate and securities law in 2009
Sarbanes-Oxley’s Effects on Small Firms: What Is the Evidence? (with Pinar Karaca-Mandic and Eric Talley), in In the Name of Entrepreneurship? The Logic and Effects of Special Regulatory Treatment for Small Business 143 (Susan M. Gates & Kristin Leuschner, eds., RAND, 2007)
Beyond Competition for Incorporations, 94 Georgetown Law Journal 1725 (2006). Reprinted in 48Corporate Practice Commentator 719 (2006–2007). A version of this article, entitled Using Corporate Law to Compete for Investments, was published in European Integration and Investor Protection: Regulatory Competition and Harmonization 59 (Guido Ferrarini and Eddy Wymeersch, eds., Oxford University, 2006)
The Myth of State Competition in Corporate Law (with Marcel Kahan), 55 Stanford Law Review 679 (2002). Selected by Corporate Practice Commentator as one of the ten best articles in corporate and securities law in 2003. Reprinted in Foundations of Corporate Law 126 (Roberta Romano ed., 2d ed. 2010)
Price Discrimination in the Market for Corporate Law (with Marcel Kahan), 86 Cornell Law Review 1205 (2001). Reprinted in 43 Corporate Practice Commentator 115 (2002)
Shareholder Litigation Under Indeterminate Corporate Law, 66 University of Chicago Law Review 887 (1999)
A Regulatory Competition Theory of Indeterminacy in Corporate Law, 98 Columbia Law Review 1208 (1998). Reprinted in Corporate Governance: Law, Theory, and Policy 129 (Thomas W. Joo ed., 2d ed. 2010)
Other publications
פשרה לא כואבת - גלובוס, מרץ 2013
הרגולציה לא חונקת את השוק - גלובוס, דצמבר 2012
דירקטורים בכובע השופט - גלובוס אוקטובר 2012
תגמול תלוי ביצועים יחסיים - גלובוס, אוגוסט 2012
לקצור דיבידנדים - גלובוס, יוני 2012
גם הבכירים זמניים - גלובוס, אוקטובר 2011
תפוס אותי אם תוכל - גלובוס, ספטמבר 2011
עניין אישי למיעוט - גלובוס, אוגוסט2011
בין ייצוגית לנגזרת - גלובוס, יולי 2011
למי מזיקה הערכת שווי מופרזת? -גלובוס, יוני 2011