TIL Conference- Controlling Shareholders and Control-Enhancing Mechanisms

05 בינואר 2023, 9:00 
TIL Conference- Controlling Shareholders and Control-Enhancing Mechanisms

This two-day conference is aimed at exploring governance issues and policy debates concerning public companies that have a controlling shareholder as well as  the use of control-enhancing devices, such as dual class, loyalty shares, and pyramidal ownership. It will bring together scholars from around the world to discuss these issues. The conference is co-sponsored by the Buchmann Faculty of Law at Tel Aviv University and Harvard Law School, and under the auspices of Theoretical Inquiries in Law and the Cegla Center for Interdisciplinary Research of the Law.


Organizers: Lucian Bebchuk (Harvard), Assaf Hamdani (TAU), Kobi Kastiel (TAU)



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