The Eichmann Trial Revisited after 60 Years: International Aspects

Online Conference

20 באפריל 2021, 16:00 
The Eichmann Trial Revisited after 60 Years: International Aspects

הכנס הבינלאומי הוא שיתוף פעולה בין ספרית וינר לחקר התקופה הנאצית והשואה באוניברסיטת תל אביב, המכון לחקר תולדות יהדות פולין, יד ושם ומרכז מינרבה לזכויות האדם בפקולטה למשפטים, אוניברסיטת תל אביב ונועד לציין את ההיבטים הבינלאומיים של משפט אייכמן - בזירות ההיסטוריוגרפית, הדיפלומטית, המשפטית והתרבותית.

הכנס יארך יומיים, יש להרשם מראש בקישור הזה.

תכנית הכנס:

Tuesday, 20 April 2021
16:00–17:00   Opening Session
Chair: Moshe Zimmermann, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Rachel Gali Cinamon, Dean, the Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv University
Dan Michman, Head of the International Institute for Holocaust Research and Incumbent of the John Najmann Chair for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem; Bar-Ilan University

Keynote lecture:
Norbert Frei, Jena University
Reconsidering the Eichmann Trial. A Perspective from Germany 

17:00-18:30   Session I:  West Germany, the Netherlands, Argentina: Different Contexts, Different Reactions
Chair: Dina Porat, Tel Aviv University; Yad Vashem

Roni Stauber, Tel Aviv University
The Impact of the Eichmann Trial on the Complex Relations between Israel and West Germany

Raanan Rein, Tel Aviv University
Paying a Dear Price for Eichmann’s Kidnapping and Trial: Jewish-Argentines Facing a Wave of Antisemitism

Frank van Vree, University of Amsterdam; NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Criminal Case 40/61. The Eichmann Trial in the Netherlands: Shifting Perspectives

19:00–20:30   Session II: Reactions in Communist Countries
Chair: Havi Dreifuss, Tel Aviv University; Yad Vashem

Marcos Silber, University of Haifa
Trial of Whom? Prosecution to Whom? The Eichmann Trial and Polish-Israeli Relations

Jovana Cvetićanin, University of Haifa
Yugoslavia and the Eichmann Trial

Kata Bohus, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
The Eichmann Trial, Holocaust Memory and Regime Critique in Communist Hungary

Wednesday, 21 April 2021
15:45 -17:15   Session III: Cinematic Representations
Chair: Hanna Yablonka, Ben Gurion University

Liat Benhabib, Yad Vashem
From 2-Inch to YouTube: The Audiovisual Documentation and Broadcast of the Eichmann Trial
Yariv Mozer, Israeli Filmmaker
The Eichmann Trial - A Cinematic Overview
Jeffrey Shandler, Rutgers University
The Eichmann Trial on American Television

17:30 – 18:30   Session IV: Cold War Politics and Gender Perspectives
Chair: Dalia Ofer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Kiril Feferman, Ariel University
Retaining the Mantle of Leadership in Holocaust Retribution? The Soviet Union, Israel and the Eichmann Trial
Sharon Geva, Kibbutzim College; Tel Aviv University
Holocaust Memory in Gender Perspective: Women in the Eichmann Trial

18:45 – 20:15   Session V: Re-Imagining International Law – Plural Visions of the Trial. A Roundtable
Chair & Discussant: Leora Bilsky, Tel Aviv University
Carolyn J. Dean, Yale University
Laura Jockusch, Brandeis University
James Loeffler, University of Virginia
David Myers, University of California Los Angeles
20:15   Concluding Remarks
Dan Michman, Yad Vashem; Bar-Ilan University

יש להרשם מראש בקישור הזה.

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