מורי הפקולטה

מורים אורחים – Affiliated and Visiting Professors
Quarter Name Affiliation Course Name
1 Adv. Steve  Wise Nonhuman Rights Project

Animal Rights Jurisprudence

The Coller-Menmon Chair

1 Prof. Lee Andrew  Bygrave University of Oslo EU Data Protection Law: Fundamentals, Flaws and Futures
1 Adv. David   Friedman Skadden Arps LLP Mergers and Acquisitions - A Real Life Experience
1 Dr. Boaz  Moselle Compass Lexecon, London

Price, Cost and Value: Essential Economics for Lawyers -  Agmon&co Rosenberg Hacohen & Co Visiting Chair in Business Law

2 Prof. Shahar  Dillbary University of Alabama Introduction to U.S. Tort Law
2 Prof. Irus  Braverman SUNY Buffalo “The End of Nature”: Law, Science and the Environment on a
2 Prof. Achilles  Skordas Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law The ICJ between International Law and Geopolitics
2 Prof. Ekaterina  Tyagay Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) Matrimonial Property Regimes in a Comparative Perspective
2 Dr. Inbar  Levy The University of Melbourne Law and Human Nature
2 Prof.  Mitchel  Lasser Cornell University Critical Perspectives on Law
2 Prof.  Elizabeth Anker Cornell University Critical Perspectives on Law
3 Prof. Gregory   Alexander Cornell University Property Theory
3 Prof. Francesco  Biagi University of Bologna Comparative Constitutional Law
3 Prof. Laurent  Manderieux Bocconi University Intellectual Property as a Toolkit for Technology Transfer
3 Prof. Patrick   Macklem University of Toronto Human Rights and their Critics
3 Prof. Yang Sun China University of Political Science and Law Intellectual property in a Digital Age
3 Prof. Jack  Rakove Stanford University Tha American Approach to Religious: History and Law
4 Prof. Lucie White Harvard University Development, Inequality and Human Rights
4 Prof. Jeremy Perelman SciencesPo Law School Development, Inequality and Human Rights
4 Prof. Jonathan  Simon University of California, Berkeley Punishment and Moderen Society: an Introduction
4 Prof. Orly  Lobel University of San Diego  Corporate Innovation and Legal Policy
4 Prof. Helena  Alviar Universidad de los Andes, Colombia Contemporary Critical Legal Thought: Perspectives from the P
4 Prof. Eric  Helland Claremont McKenna College Introduction to Empirical Legal Studies
4 Prof.  Kurt Siehr Max Planck Institutes. Hamburg Visual Arts and the Law
4 Prof. Gregg  Bloche Georgetown University The Mind and the Law
  Prof. Lisa Bernstein Chicago Law School  
  Prof.  Danny Pieters KU Leuven Faculty of Law  


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