מגורים בשיקגו

מגורים בשיקגו

Living in Chicago

Chicago is a city of global status and unsurpassed beauty as well as one of the most vibrant legal and business communities in the world. With a population of nearly 3 million, Chicago is a center for arts and entertainment, athletics, education, transportation, finance and trade, law, commerce, and government. From its lakefront beaches to its ethnic neighborhoods, from world-class museums to professional sports, from classical music to blues and jazz, Chicago offers countless leisure opportunities for every taste. A regional hub of commerce and government, the city provides an ideal setting for the study of law. Chicago is home to many of the nation’s largest corporations and law firms as well as the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the Chicago Stock Exchange, and the Chicago Board of Trade. Almost every federal and state agency and every level of trial and appellate court have offices in the city. Northwestern Law students can take advantage of the location through visits to courts or law firms and corporations. These are only some of the many benefits Northwestern Law students enjoy from living and studying in Chicago. The Law School itself is located in one of the city’s most exclusive and beautiful neighborhoods – the Gold Coast. Surrounded by residential buildings and offices, the campus is within two blocks of the famed Magnificent Mile of department stores, restaurants, and boutiques. It is adjacent to Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management and down the street from the state-of-the-art Northwestern Memorial Hospital.


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