פרופ' עמרי ידלין

סגל אקדמי בכיר במנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' עמרי ידלין
פקס: 03-6407422
משרד: טרובוביץ משפ, 040


Prof. Omri Yadlin joined the TAU Law faculty in 1994 after graduating the TAU law school (LL.B.), the Tel Aviv Engineering Department (B.Sc.) and the Boalt Hall School of Law at UC Berkeley (LL.M. and JSD). Omri's areas of research and teaching include Corporate Law, Securities Regulation, Labor Law, Constitutional Law and Economic Analysis of Law. In addition to TAU, Prof. Yadlin also taught in Ann Arbor Michigan Law School and in Boalt Hall school of Law at UC Berkeley.

In 2007, after serving as the faculty's vice dean (see farewell clip), Prof. Yadlin took few years on leave from TAU and founded the Sapir College School of Law, served as its first dean and thereafter was nominated as the President of Sapir College. During his term, and despite its location near the city of Sderot and the continuous missiles attacks from Gaza, Sapir college continued all its academic programs and cultural events (including the international film festival in Sderot and the cultural festival in Ofakim); promoted the academic reputation of its programs and was granted full and permanent academic accreditation from the Israeli High Education Council; pioneered the Gate to Academy Program for Bedouin students; won the first prize (among all academic institutions in the country) for its unique Social Involvement Program; established the Sapir HIE (Sapir Hub for Innovation & Entrepreneurship) which was recognized by the High Education Council as the most creative entrepreneurship program in the country; and constructed the Sapir Exlab, the Sapir Social Work building, the Sapir Amphitheatre, the renovation of the Sapir Auditorium, etc., etc., etc. …...

After almost 12 years at Sapir College (see farewell clip), in 2019, Prof. Yadlin returned to his alma mater at the TAU faculty, serving as the Director of the TAU Law Clinics Program and as the Editor of the Law & Social Change journal. 


Full CV



J.S.D., Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley


LL.M., Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley


LL.B., The Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University


B.Sc., Industrial Engineering, Tel Aviv University


Title of Master’s Thesis:         “Timely disclosure by Issuers in the Secondary Market”
Name of Supervisor:               Prof. Robert Cooter, University of California, Berkeley


Title of Doctoral Dissertation: "Exploring the Fixed-Price Offering Puzzle"

Name of Supervisors:               Prof. Daniel Rubinfeld, University of California, Berkeley

                                                  Prof. Melvin Eisenberg, University of California, Berkeley


1994-present Faculty member (Associate Professor), Buchmann Law Faculty, Tel Aviv University
1996-1997 Editor, Tel Aviv University Law Review
1999 Visiting Professor, Boalt Hall School of Law, U.C. Berkeley
2000 Visiting Professor, University of Michigan School of Law (Ann Arbor)
2000-2001 Co-Editor, Theoretical Inquiries in Law
2002-2006 Vice Dean, Law Faculty, Tel Aviv University
2004-2006 Director, Tel Aviv–Berkeley Executive LL.M. Program
2009-2011 Director, Fischer Center for Corporate Governance and Capital Market Regulation
2008-2013 Dean, Law School, Sapir Academic College
2014-2019  President, Sapir Academic College
2019-present Director, Law Clinical Program, Buchmann Law Faculty, Tel Aviv University


Israeli Bar

American Law and Economics Association

Israeli Law and Economics Association


Corporate Law, Securities Regulation, Labor Law, Constitutional Law and Economic Analysis of Law.


“Should the SEC Regulate the Cyber Securities market?” Chicago-Kent Law Review (1998) 1355-1366.

“Fraud on the Market at Common Law: Lessons from Contemporary Finance and Economics” 2 The Journal of International and Comparative Law (2000), 59-87.

“Fraud on the Market: a Relational Investment Approach” 21 International Review of Law and Economics (2001), 69-85.

“A Public Choice Approach to Private Ordering: Rent Seeking at the World’s First Futures Exchange” Michigan Law Review (2000) 2620-2635.

“Is Stock Manipulation Bad? Questioning the Conventional Wisdom with Evidence from the Israeli Experience” 2 Theoretical Inquiries in Law (2001) 839-864.

“Commentary on Sitkoff” 69 University of Chicago Law Review (2002) 1167-1190.

Promoting Consensus in Society through Deferred-Implementation Agreements” Toronto University Law Review [Joint with Ariel Porat].

“The Conspirator Dilemma: Introducing the “Trojan Horse” Enforcement Strategy”  Review of Law and Economics (2) 2006.

"A Welfarist Perspective on Lies" 91 Indiana Law Journal 617 (2016).


Full CV

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