פרופ' יורם דנציגר

סגל אקדמי בכיר במנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים סגל אקדמי בכיר
ניווט מהיר:



  • Tel-Aviv University, Faculty of Law, LL.B. with honors (Awarded 1980).
  • Tel-Aviv University, Faculty of Law, LL.M. with highest honors (Awarded 1981).
  • London School of Economics and the Political Science, Ph.D. in Law (Awarded 1983). The thesis about "The Duties of Directors of Target Companies in Takeovers" was written under the guidance of the Dean of the Faculty of Law at that time, Professor Lord Wedderburn.

Teaching and Research:

  • Research assistant to Professor Joseph Gross, Professor Smadar Ottolenghi and Professor Ruth Ben-Israel at Tel-Aviv University, Faculty of Law - 1978-1976.
  • Teaching assistant in courses in corporate law and tax law at Tel-Aviv University, Faculty of Law - 1981-1979.
  • Adjunct lecturer at Tel-Aviv University, Faculty of Law (teaches various courses in the field of Corporate Law) - 2015-1983.
  • Adjunct lecturer at Tel-Aviv University School of Management, Economic-Management department, in courses dealing with commercial law - 1988-1984.
  • Adjunct lecturer at College of Management Academic Studies, in courses dealing with corporate law contract law and arbitration law - 2018-2011.
  • Full Professor at Tel-Aviv University, Faculty of Law (teaches Arbitration Law and Commercial Law) - 2018 –

Full CV

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